
288 Audio Reviews

94 w/ Responses


I don't know what the Rescue Rangers are, but I know I like this song!
It's a bit lacking in power, but aside for that, it's great fun to listen to. Good 'chilling' song.

EvilScorpio responds:

Late is better then never... Thanks, and I'm glad you like it))


Very...different. In a good way.
Also, wow, 36 reviews and a perfect 10/10 overall review score!
I like the sparkly highs coordinating with the wandering mids. Unusual ending. Great beginning...why does it sound familiar? It's interesting how the bass hits' sound breaks apart the way it does.
I really love the tune, it's fantastic in the original sense, almost magical. Can't say this is my favorite of your stuff, it's missing something that I consider to be at the heart of your stuff, but still this song gets better and better the more I listen to it. And besides, it's good to have variety, especially in a megamix like this.
The tune appeals to the heart, I think, it's reminiscent of other things, sounds like it could be many things.
Great sound overall, but of course.

F-777 responds:

Beggining sounds familiar cause it takes off from where Episode 1 ended =).
Thanks so much for the review!!!

I think this one has the best tune out of all of them so far =P.


More beat reliant and less tune oriented than I'm used to with your stuff, though it does go into a tune more later on.
Bass is incredible, maybe too much so? Would do really well for a club or other large area.
Love the chorus near the end.
Strong electrosynths, they give it part of that intensity. Interesting mix of sharp 'jabby', thin highs with long extended low freqs.
Personally, I think the song really picks up from the second minute on.
Absolutely astounded with the bass near the end, too.
Not really the sort of sound I expected, very dark and heavy like you say, but still really good. Am I right in guessing this is to give the megamix some variety, seeing as the first one was lighter? I actually haven't seen the second yet, so I guess I'll go look at it now.

F-777 responds:

Yes the first 1 was quite light and the second 1 was a bit heavier but it was really happy so with this one i went even HEAVIER but with a dark feel =). Next one i will go lighter again so i can keep the "We Believe" feel but yes this was for variety =).

And i overloaded on the bass haha i worked quite hard on that =).

Thanks for the review!!!


When I started listening to this, I didn't expect to be adding you to my favorite artists list. Oh well, what can you do when you listen to an amazing song?

EvilScorpio responds:

Thank you =)

Good music, but not in the spirit of death note.

At least not to me. Death note is not depressing, only frightening and thoughtful.
As for the music, it is quite well done.

Whirlguy responds:

Thanks (:
To me, Death Note is trying to go for a depressing mood. Especially the ending really got to me, but I understand if you don't agree with me. I didn't think the anime was all that scary, and I'm not sure what you mean with thoughtfull.
Would you agree with me if I said the song is quite in the spirit of the death note soundtrack though? :3

Hahaha what do you expect me to say?

Super-duper-floopity awesome, man! As usual. Would not have expected that you could get even better, but I was wrong, huh. This is even stronger (I don't know if "better" is the right word) than your usual stuff.
I hear you have an online music store - and you're putting other stuff there that's not on NG? I'll have to go check it out, fo shizzle. Money's a little tight right now, but I'll see what I can do XD
Anyway, back to the song.
Ah, yes, I was shouting praises to the heavens. Seriously, though, this is really good stuff. Incredibly powerful beginning. Great beat, masked enough by the fluctuating sound. Good instrument mixes. I notice the tweaking of the piano treble (or am I imagining that?). Nice effects you throw in, beeps and such, but I have to say I dislike the rising whine around 2:25 somewhat, though it works for the music, and the music it. Absolutely love the rest of the ending, and how it blends into the beginning so that the first time or two I didn't even notice the transition. Which brings me to mention that I definitely love the concept of a MEGAMIX. I hope that works out for you, it's a very original idea.
Oh, and by the way, glancing at Music-story's review and your response, it is one of my favorite things about you and your music that you don't do it to try to be like somebody or something, but only to make music that you love and that other people can enjoy. That's something that's really admirable.
Cunning response, incidently, enjoyed the 'BUT's.
Naturally, 5/5 10/10, faved, downloaded, need I say?
All the best,
Your fan and friend (I hope?), as if you had a doubt ~

F-777 responds:

Haha wow thanks so much!!
Im glad im improving and yes
i do have a store =).


Theres some songs up there not
on NG but im going to be releasing
a new album soon with unheard songs =).

Thanks so much!!! Ya i paid a lot of
attention to the detail and i do feel
like this is stronger then my other
stuff =).

The Music-story Review:
Well hes been like one of my best
reviewers hes just making sure i
stay on track ;).

Thanks man i always enjoy a review
from you and a FAV?! Sweet!! =D!!
Thanks so much!!!
Your my #1 best Reviewer ;).

Cool sound doesn't make a good song.

It definitely has some really excellent sound in it, but you failed to put it together into a firmly established song.

Really nice rendition.

Done really well.

Classic yet incredibly unique.

I'm loving it, man. What an awesome piece. Love that rolling, swelling whatever-it-is. Kickass bass!
Some of the pieces of the song don't seam together perfectly, and I'll swear there's a volume change in the middle of there, but that does nothing to tarnish either the song or my personal opinion of it. Great stuff!
Beautiful piano at the beginning, too. Just remembered cause I'm listening to it again just for fun! Definitely a keeper.
Haha this song makes me want to laugh for joy!
Let me know when you do more stuff, k? Lovin' it!

Definitely awesome.

Like you mentioned, a bit different than what you normally do, but that doesn't make it bad, quite the reverse. I won't say this is the best kind of work you do, but this song definitely is among the top. I wasn't expecting much at first, and the beginning is a bit weak and the elements that make it up don't really match themselves. Part of it seems to be lead in elements for the rest of the piece, while the rest is trying to set a mood - those two bits clash slightly. But only a bit, and very shortly that is remedied when the main part kicks in. From that point onward it is extremely amazing, especially between 1:51 and 2:05 and the ending part, but the whole thing is great. Love the bass with the melody in the late 2:00s!
Great as always, my friend.
Take care, and definitely let me know when you do other stuff. I know I missed a couple over the summer, but I was really busy working then (12-16 hour shifts), so I didn't really have the time or energy. Sorry. I'll definitely catch up on them soon. I'm looking forward to hearing them, I'm sure they're equally awesome to everything else you've done.

F-777 responds:

Wow amazing review =O....thanks so much it means a lot to me =D!!!

Lovin' Life!





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