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Recent Movie Reviews

97 Movie Reviews

Genius. This is one of the best things I've ever seen.

P.S I want the music from this! So interesting the variations.

This is one of the best things I've seen in a while

Really great stuff. Enjoyable in terms of visuals, plot, and little Easter eggs -- there are so many great small touches, like the cloning machine reading "REKT" when they add the virus, and how the sound effects and music coincide.

There are a few gaps in context that confused me, like why the cloning facility had so little security considering how critical it was, or why they wait until a bunch of guys die before they grab new ones -- maybe I just lack some background here.

Anyway, fantastic job.

icheban responds:

Thank you for the thoughtful feedback OneWhoListens! I'm no where near a professional at script writing (actually I'm a complete noob) so questions like this are very helpful in terms of making future episodes more clear.

The idea is that there are many facilities like the one you saw attacked. Security is present (in terms of the firewall seen on the computer as well as the alarm warning of something going on. It was also night time so I guess lighter patrols make sense there. If I had the time I would have added a more complex approach to infiltrating the station but that would have also added weeks to the animation.

Either way, I appreciate you watching and hope that I could eventually turn this into something unique in it's own right.

Recent Game Reviews

135 Game Reviews

Fun concept. Gets repetitive and in the end you're almost waiting to fail...adding a few "checkpoints" or ways to change up the patterns, such as adding in new colors, bonuses, etc, might lend some variety to the game and provide a feeling of progression.

Fun and different, taking familiar concepts and making something totally new. Relaxing yet engaging! I would love a bit more variety over the course of the experience, that would make it even a bit cooler.

MartinJacob responds:

Thanks for your feedback !

Because this was meant to be a one-shot experience, we realised some players may have difficulties learning that many mechanics in a single playthrough. We chose to make the difficulty curve very smooth to fix this, at the cost of making the game lack in variety for more experienced video game players (which I imagine you are)

But we thought about some tho :) like air-sucking or air-blowing canons, or very slow-moving headseeking bees.

Thank you, have a good day :)

Good fun, good puzzles, great ending!

Recent Audio Reviews

288 Audio Reviews

Fun. Synth lead feels a bit "sharp" at points (fine for a draft) but with small adjustments this could be really cool.

Really fun. Also mildly eerie to me for some reason.

Wow, do more like this please. I think your experiment was a success! (And 100% agree about modern cinematics).

ItsBurner responds:

Glad you liked it !

Yes I'll try to make more cinematic tracks, seems like a fun thing to do without being constrained within traditional song structures

Recent Art Reviews

49 Art Reviews

The footprints are in front...did the character walk backwards to the edge of the cliff or turn around at the end?
I'm just curious. It's a very nice piece. I like the way the ice sparkles.

crescend responds:

the way i thought about it while drawing was that the character was walking towards the cliff and then decided to turn around to see the northern lights, i'd assume walking backwards near a cliff might be a little bit too dangerous haha. also thank you and nice that you caught that! (btw i was so happy abt sparkles im glad u noticed that too hehe)

Interesting take. Very evocative. So many curious choices in the details, leaves me with questions.

Really cool. Almost get the vibe of midcentury sci-fi book cover art, meant to make you dream a little. Well this does too.

Lovin' Life!





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